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VICTOR 是個好孩子!!

話說呢期執翻 D 野出黎,搵翻 D 成績表,咁看一看咁,發覺每次既 Comment 都幾有趣的說。再另加呢期做完 Body Check,咁知道自己最「準」既身高同體重,點都要記記佢。

這個 Report 呢,Form 1 & 2 既時係一本成績簿,理論上係寫晒咁多期既考試成績。這本簿既特色係每一科都會有 Comment 的。當然有 D 都一樣寫到好行,就咁 Fair / Poor 就算。另外仲寫左每班最高分的說!

到 Form 3 既時候就電腦化,變左一張紙。。。咁就得翻班主任既 Comment。

PS. 最後個欄係 Conduct 既 Grade。

1st Term @ Form 1

136cm :: 32kg :: 42/45 :: 0 Absent :: 0 Late :: B+


2nd Term @ Form 1

145cm :: 35.5kg :: 43/45 :: 1 Absent :: 0 Late :: B-


1st Term @ Form 2

148cm :: 37.5kg :: 5/43 :: 2 Absents :: 0 Late :: B+


2nd Term @ Form 2

154cm :: 39kg :: 14/43 :: 0 Absent :: 0 Late :: B+


1st Term @ Form 3

155cm :: 42.5kg :: 4/42 :: 1 Absent :: 0 Late :: B


2nd Term @ Form 3

159.5cm :: 41.5kg :: 4/42 :: 3 Absents :: 0 Late :: B+


1st Term @ Form 4

159cm :: 41kg :: 10/42 :: 1 Absent :: 0 Late :: B


2nd Term @ Form 4

159cm :: 41kg :: 13/42 :: 2 Absents :: 0 Late :: B

Should be able to move on if he is determined to do so.

1st Term @ Form 5

160.5cm :: 45kg :: 11/43 :: 2 Absents :: 0 Late :: B+

He has the potential to move on.

2nd Term @ Form 5

162cm :: 44kg :: 15/42 :: 1.5 Absents :: 0 Late :: B+

Should be able to move on if he is determined to do so.


Wai To is a polite and well-mannered student. He exhibits a talent for art and design. His good involvement in school activities has been highly commened.

1st Term @ Form 6

161cm :: 45kg :: 25/33 :: 2.5 Absents :: 0 Late :: B

Victor has good potential in art and design. He can do better if he applies himself.

2nd Term @ Form 6

161.5cm :: 45kg :: 22/33 :: 2 Absents :: 0 Late :: B

Victor can do better if he works with more consistent effort.

Form 7

162cm :: 44kg :: 26/29 :: 8 Absents :: 0 Late :: A-

Victor is a helpful and dependable student who has a positive attitude towards work. He is very talented in art and design.


Victor has a cheerful disposition. He is a helpful and dependable student who has a positive attitude towards work. He is good at computing and he is also talented in art and design. He always comes up with creative and innovate ideas.


最新體重 46.9kg、身高 167cm。體重應該好平穩咁過 100Ibm 了,希望有得再高 D170cm 夠架喇。回想 Form 1 時得 136cm w/ 32kg,真係吹都吹得起。

咪以為無啦啦 Form 1 轉 Form 2 名次升咁多好叻咁,其實個平均分都係差唔多,只係同學唔同左咁。咁多年都係 ~ 60/100 到啦,係 Form 6 & 7 頹多少。雖知道 Form 6 個陣要打護級賽的說。。。 =.=

呵,我係老師面前係好學生,Conduct 都幾好咁的說,B / B+ = Very Good competent and courteous 待人有禮,真係飽死,應該無乜大件事都係 B 啊、B+ 咁架喇,哈哈。正所謂點都要有個「Good Ending」既,最後一次 Conduct 有 A-,真係凸一凸。A- / A = Excellent respectful and competent 尊師重道,哇哈哈。咁多年都無 Late 過架!!

咁多期既 Comments,Re-Code 過之後大部份既意思係「太懶了,要勤力點!」,呵呵呵。話時話,Form 7 個年 8 次 Absents 都算幾多了。Form 1 - 2 都幾健康架喎,係越高 Form 越多 Absents。。。Testimonial 有 Leadership, Motivation, Caring for others, Academic ability, Power of expression, Diligence, Sense of Responsibility, Courtesy & sociability, Cooperation, Punctuality, Health & fitness,樣樣都有「Good」,係「Health & fitness」係「Good」與「Average」之間擲界 XXD

PS. 呵,後期幾鬼多 Talent 既出現。
Created On 31/08/2005 10:54:36
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