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[+]  One Piece - 488
[+]  Team Fortress 2
[+]  龍珠‧改 - 93
[+]  Eureka Seven - 14
[+]  Super Robot War OG - 20


1. 呢幾日無無聊聊就開左 GBA 隻《機戰 J》玩下,用返 D 非原創機體感覺特別爽!主角機好超機人 Feel、Full Metal Panic 既 M9 又型,正!有得揀 Sub-Pilot,即係伴侶,估下我揀邊個,明天開估 ↓

2. 農曆新年通常都會睇下戲咁,今日睇左《Night at the Museum》,即係《翻生侏羅館》。Ben Stiller 做既喜劇都算有一定保證,笑位 OK 既,但係同佢之前拍既《Meet the Parents》係差一大截套戲都值得一睇既!不過就有點誇張咁啦 ...

2435,明天都係 Hea 既多啦。That’s All.
Created On 19/02/2007 10:57:13
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