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1. 今朝返到 City 個陣見到張 Poster 關於類似教師培訓講座既野,點知行多兩步就見到以前既中學老師。很好,講完。日文堂都幾 OK,學到野既,不過真係好 Intensive,都有點吃不消。儘管有養眼既野,上完堂都已經攰到乜咁 ...

落堂之後同同學食 Lunch,食完返去 CM 搵 D Instructor 傾 FYP 事宜,想搵個個搵唔到,唔想搵個個就坐左係度。佢強烈建議以 Group 形式去做,滿有道理既。不過重有各種因素都搞到好唔順利。

走個陣想話等人,點知點 SMS 同電話都無人回。等左半個鐘之後都係算了,太攰,咁就回家了。回家後的心情是糜爛

2. 心情真係爛到呢 ... 不過偶然聽返 Louis Armstrong 既「What a Wonderful World」,又覺得舒服 D ↓

I see trees of green........ red roses too
I see ’em bloom..... for me and for you
And I think to myself.... what a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue..... clouds of white
Bright blessed days....dark sacred nights
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world.

The colors of a rainbow.....so pretty ..in the sky
Are also on the faces.....of people ..going by
I see friends shaking hands.....sayin’.. how do you do
They’re really sayin’......i love you.

I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow
They’ll learn much more.....than I’ll never know
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world

(instrumental break)

The colors of a rainbow.....so pretty ..in the sky
Are there on the faces.....of people ..going by
I see friends shaking hands.....sayin’.. how do you do
They’re really sayin’...*spoken*(I ....love....you).

I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow
*spoken*(you know their gonna learn
A whole lot more than I’ll never know)
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself .......what a wonderful world.

呢個世界的確幾奇妙既,不過 Kai 人多囉。今日撘車既時候,望望個天,發覺南區個天係藍過維港個天喎,西九龍個天又的而且確無東九龍個天咁藍。What a Wonderful World

3. 我諗有 D 人會記得我剛剛入 CM 時候對身邊既「同學」既人物性格特徵描述,弱氣既的確係弱氣;強氣既係強氣。呢件事Wilson 實記得,呢個係其中一個 Example ↓

一樣米養百樣人,係 CM 真係見識到各式各樣既人,係大開眼界既。與其扮熟,倒不如黑口黑面算。暮然回首,呢排再諗返 D 當日既描述,發覺其實都好「準」。雖然個陣學期頭認識唔深,但係唔知點解就係覺得佢地就係咁既人,難道呢個就係「直覺」嗎?


「同學」就係「同學」,同「朋友」係有極大分別。在我的眼中,「同學」是學術交流、酒肉,要傾計一定唔會同「同學」講囉,費事比人知道咁多野。一句到尾,「好熟咩」。有無 Potential 做到朋友一開學個排都會 Feel 到,重要好準個隻。咁真係唔同人無辦法。日日都係呢 D 環境中打滾 ... 其實係好攰既。唔 Social 又唔得。

不過至 Funny 就係 D 同學分唔到甚麼是自嘲 / 誇大你估我真係咁諗咩。如果真係好熟既我無乜所謂,唔係話好熟既都係叫返我個名比較洽當。一劈頭就「西人」,試過有一兩次差 D 回左句「西你老 __,同你好熟呀」。在我的角度來看,「同學」裡應該無人熟到可以用其他稱呼叫我既人吧。呢 D 野背後講無所謂,反正聽唔到,但兜口兜面既都係無謂啦。介唔介意都好都唔應該係咁既。心情好個陣聽落無乜野,差個陣都幾哽耳。邊個點叫我我記得好清楚既,邊個自稱 Mr. XXX 都記得好清楚。


2429,攰到變 Richard。That’s All.
Created On 22/06/2007 10:57:14
悽涼的人 said :
23/06/2007 20:53:00
呢個都好 "哽眼" --> "洽當" , "形住形住" 唔係呢個字 ,

好似係呢個 "恰當" 才是 ^^"

p.s.: 我仲有是來 "謝罪" 的 ...

唔係唔想回 , 而係根本唔知震過, 知既應該會即刻回左了 =3=

my bad, sorry~
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