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現在係 2241,又要 2300 前睏,你估得唔得呢?呵呵。

1. 今日無去上堂 (其實呢幾日都係。),話左聲過阿娘聽。咁講下講下講到讀得好唔開心 (其實都唔係第一次講架喇。) 做人為乜呢?求既咪係開心姐,咁咁多科係得一科完全摸不著頭腦,其他個 D 科自己都跟到,跟唔到又可以問到人,咁我上黎做乜識既唔上都識唔識上完都唔識?係屋企溫下書做下自己野好過啦。真係無乜上堂,對住堆人又唔知點咁。上堂悶唔緊要的,可惜無靚姐姐 / 可愛妹妹,想話悶望女仔都好多少嘛。唔酒肉既朋友又唔上堂,傾閒計都唔得。咁咪唔翻。讀咁多年書,真係未試過讀得咁唔開心直情完完全全唔想翻學

有好有唔好啦,好既多幾個禮拜就講 Bye Bye (如果走得甩既話),唔好既咪要讀埋 Year 2。這個是最唔願意見到既結果。諗諗下要再埋堆就難架啦,家陣個個 Cycle 都係 Metalic Bonding 黎,唯有轉個環境重新開始過。

此時此刻,阿娘又講左 D 人生道理過我,都受受地既。咁唔係話完全信命運,不過人生行到某個時候,就總會遇到逆境,咁咪當個段時間學下野。

2. 襯記得,分享翻 Alicia Keys 既《If I Ain’t Got You》,歌詞本身都好有意思呢。

Some people live for the fortune
Some people live just for the fame
Some people live for the power yeah
Some people live just to play the game
Some people think that the physical things
Define what's within
I've been there before
But that life's a bore
So full of the superficial

Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you

Some people search for a fountain
Promises forever young
Some people need three dozen roses
And that's the only way to prove you love them

And in a world on a silver platter
And wondering what it means
No one to share, no one who truly cares for me

Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you

Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you

If I ain't got you with me baby
Nothing in this whole wide world don't mean a thing
If I ain't got you with me baby

3. Um... 都估到虧佬會問 Project 既野架喇,又唔記得提提你帶翻 D 資料去吹。結果果真麻麻地,不過唔關邊個勁唔勁事,大家都一樣咁好咁差。問題係你易俾人洽呢,唔夠硬淨 (定係呢?!)!如果 Wilson 係度實唔會咁,佢既 Sense 真係不到人不佩服,哈。大家仍要努力呢!不過我頹左幾日。。。殘念

不過原來鬼佬個 Project 要 Apr 4 定 Apr 5 交!?咁就急少少了。

4. 激開心,妳終於寫 Diary 啦,等我遲 D 得閒幫妳執執個 Xanga 啦,得閒寫多 D,等我有得俾 Comments 妳,哈哈。妳脫離鼻敏感既煩惱了嗎?真係好。。。香港空氣質素太差了。

Last. 聽日 (睏唔著既咪夜 D 玩) 先玩無聊 IQ 題吧,真係好攰。。。無 Mood,晚飯都無食到呢。聽朝打羽毛波,開心!明天又要對住堆人,沈默。。。

最後 0005 先睏得。。。唔制!夜左咁多睏因為有人問 Design既野 + 傾 Project。不過都係個句啦 That’s All.

涼子姐姐心情即刻好翻 D D。

1730 :: 心情照樣不錯呢!可能唔洗翻學再加上食完 Lunch 就去睏晏覺。心情雖然靚,但係工作效率係零。。。硬係上唔到軌咁,唯有再努力做吧。個 Slide Show 個 Template 諗過下,不過個 Idea未 Firm,諗住個個 Projects 都係用個個 Template,反正 D 人都唔會理你個 Slide Show 做得有幾好,無謂對牛彈琴

Alicia Keys 個 Live Perfomance Upload 左去 Server,係 G2G Forum 度有 Post,想就咁 Download 就直接搵我吧。
Created On 31/03/2005 10:54:33
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