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1. 無聊 IQ 題第二擊:

Q3. 嚮銅鑼灣麥當奴入面,有麥當奴叔叔、漢堡神偷、滑o都o都、小飛飛。

[Answer Here]

Q4. 為什麼放煙花時不會射到天上的星星?

[Answer Here]

Q5. 馬沙間洗衣鋪新開張,好友果個、小鳳正商議買咩做人情,小鳳提議買幅牌匾俾馬沙,但佢諗唔到應該寫咩,最後,果個講左一個四字詞語,小鳳立即話好,請問係咩?

[Answer Here]

2. 這個 IS Projects 差唔多要埋尾的說,但係 D 組件還未完成,大家明天再加把勁吧!鬼佬個 Project 已經盡了力的說,就掛掉了。真係激辛苦長時間做 D 唔鍾意做既野,真係想就咁心臟病發死左去算,咁後生咁死都咪話唔型。依家完完全全失去了動力情緒完全低落。過埋禮拜一,真係可以再溫下書,唔想因為咁令到 AL 慘死。之後個兩個 Project 既 Programming 點都無作文咁難頂,話晒都係鬥搵 Source 改 Source 之後再 Copy and Paste。

3. 劇烈運動後,隻右手係舉唔起 + 手震雙腳酸軟乏力、尤其係大脾近 Pat 個個肌肉。尋晚上半晚個陣懷疑有多少發燒 (唔係體弱成咁嘛,做下運動就跪低!?但係燒完有得增高!) ,之後食左兩粒退燒藥又好似好翻 D D 咁,咁下半晚就睏到成條死屍咁,睏到四肢都唔旭得。。。今日就係呢個狀態下工作,再一次想死。。。雖然係攰,不過真係想快 D 打多次波。

無了,偶既生命真的完蛋了。Diary 都無心機打落去。現在可以做的就是嘔血。這個時候,如果身邊有個人俾我「I」/ 攬下就好了,可以既,當發夢既時候。
Avril Lavigne :: Freak Out

Try to tell me what I shouldn't do
You should know by now
I won't listen to you
Walk around with my hands
Up in the air
'Cause I don't care

'Cause I'm all right
I'm fine
Just freak out let it go

I'm gonna live my life
I can't ever run and hide
I won't compromise
'Cause I'll never know
I'm gonna close my eyes
I can't watch the time go by
I won't keep it inside
Freak out let it go

Just freak out let it go

You don't always have to do everything right
Stand up for yourself
And put up a fight
Walk around with your hands up in the air
Like you don't care

'Cause I'm all right
I'm fine
Just freak out let it go


Let it go
On my own
Let it go

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah


Just let me live my life
I can't ever run and hide
I won't compromise
'Cause i'll never know
I'm gonna close my eyes
I can't watch the time go by
I won't keep it inside
Freak out let it go

Gonna freak out let it go (x 2)

究竟這個「Freak Out」是指那個意思呢?真係估唔到。。。不過無論邊個解釋,我都想「Gonna Freak Out Let It Go !

Created On 02/04/2005 10:54:33
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