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2111,攰到 hihi。

1. 大家對 D 咖啡名熟唔熟識呢?我諗好多人都認得 D 字,不過就未必講「正音」吧。大多都是意大利文,常見的有 (大階的為重音) :

americano [a-mare-ih-KAH-no]
- a blend of espresso and water..."americano" is Italian for "American"

café au lait [cah-FAY oh LAY]
- coffee with milk added..."café au lait" is French for "coffee with milk" (not to be confused with "caffè latté", which is Italian for "coffee milk", and is an entirely different drink [see latté, below])

cappuccino [CAPP-a-CHEE-no]
- a foamy blend of espresso and milk

espresso [ess-PRESS-o]
- a strong pressed coffee that is the base for most of the coffee drinks..."espresso" is Italian for "pressed," not "express"...thus, there is no X in "espresso"

Frappuccino [FRAPP-a-CHEE-no]
- Starbucks' cold blend of espresso and milk

grandé [GRAHN-day]
- 16 ounces of coffee (or other drink)

latté [LAH-tay]
- a blend of espresso and milk, not as foamy as cappuccino..."latté" is Italian for "milk"

macchiato [mah-kee-AH-toe]
- a blend of espresso, steamed milk and milk foam..."macchiato" is Italian for "marked" or "stained"

ventí (sometimes spelled "veinte") [VEN-tee]
- 20 ounces of coffee (or other drink)...Starbucks calls it venti; Tully's calls it veinte; Seattle's Best Coffee calls it large

2. 1335 日,就係組合Speed 由成團到解散既日數。九十年代中,Speed 紅透半邊天,幾乎無乜後生仔女唔識乜野係 Speed。Speed 既代表歌曲實在數不勝數,而這首「April~Theme of 「Dear Friends」~ 」亦為這個樂團劃上完美的句號 ↓

嗯,當年既 Takako 真係好得!My Cup of Tea!Eriko 都唔差。可惜一拆伙通常都會人氣低沉 ... 依家都無乜留意佢地既劇集、歌曲了。歌詞如下 ↓

櫻花飄散 春天冷冷的強風吹...
如夢似的花瓣 埋沒了一去不返的往日

化作一片朱紅 退色的季節啊
在你聲旁時 我卻無法真誠坦率

April 我永遠 April 不會將你忘懷
April 晴朗的日子 April最是心痛難耐
隨著每一個四月到來 我們逐漸長大成人
為了得到解脫 曾在夜裏將心割作千萬段
此刻雖然獨處 但我認為自己並不孤獨
眼眸的身處love & friends
April 曾經也有 April 真心哭過的一段愛情
與其相信昨日不如相信明天 推開一扇新的門扉
April 舞不盡的 Apeil一段不再回頭的季節
每當四月到來請你想起我 無論相隔多遠...
Whithout your love
I must go out to the street...
April 我永遠 April不會將你忘懷
April 謝謝你過去的一切
April 一段不再回頭的季節

2203,今日溫書進度很理想,不過都係未溫晒既。That’s All.
Created On 11/05/2007 10:57:13
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